Blank Main Street Church of Brigham City
Answers for Mormons...
...and those who love them

The information and links we provide here are done so out of love and concern for our Mormon friends and neighbors. Our objective is NOT to be argumentative or disrespectful; nevertheless, we affirm that truth matters--and eternal truths matter eternally! We urge anyone to examine the information available, and put it to the test. If you encounter information here that you believe is in error, we invite you to talk to us about it. We are certainly not infallible, but we do take great care to make sure that all the information we provide here is truthful, reliable, and verifiable.

We will always be available to address any concerns, comments, or questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us. For additional resources, check out our LINKS PAGE.

Understanding Mormonism

Mormonism in Brief - a short guide to Mormon practice and culture

The Mormon Afterlife - Understanding and mapping out the Mormon plan of salvation

The Book of Mormon Story - What is this "keystone" work all about?

Material Resources for Mormons

Free video offer to LDS Members (& anyone else)

Streaming Video Resources

Sacred Groves: Encounters with the Living Jesus (video testimonies)

Documentary: Lifting the Veil of Polygamy

Documentary: A Home for Hagar

TV Program: Polygamy: What Love Is This?

TV Program: The Ex-Mormon Files


Other Resources

The Good News of Jesus Christ!
Links to more information
Frequently-Asked Questions
Spanish Resources (Recursos en Español)

Mormons, please understand us!

An Open Letter to Mormons- Are we just "anti-Mormon" or is something more going on here?

Testing the Book of Mormon - Why is this necessary?

Doctrinal & Historical Issues with Mormonism

Hung up on the Trinity? - Help with understanding this biblical doctrine

Are Jesus & Satan Brothers? - What is really going on?

Is Polygamy an Issue Today? - Cutting through the rhetoric of this controversial topic

Changes in the Book of Mormon - What a recent change to the Book of Mormon means for the LDS Church

Biblical Issues with Mormonism

The Bible Challenge - How does the Bible challenge the Book of Mormon?


Scripture & Doctrine Reference Guide
The DNA Challenge to Mormonism

The DNA Challenge - What's it all about?

"Top 10" Challenges to DNA Evidence - Dispelling some of the common myths

Addressing the Real Issues - Cutting through the rhetoric surrounding the DNA issue

Main Street Church

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Copyright  2025 by Main Street Church of Brigham City
 48 N. Main St
 Brigham City, UT 84302
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h  435.723.6469