Blank Main Street Church of Brigham City

CAVEAT: While we strive to provide information consistent with our mission and objectives, we do not closely monitor all the contents of these links and do not automatically endorse all the information or organizations represented here. However, if you encounter anything in any of these links that you believe may jeopardize our intentions, we invite you to send us your feedback.

Links Categories:

Apologetics & Cults
(General; Biblical Perspective)

MORMONISM RESOURCES (Biblical Perspective)

A Shield and Refuge Ministry (Mormon Fundamentalism)

Apologetics Index information on Mormonism

Christian Apologetics & Research Committee

Concerned Christians

Equipping Christians Ministry

Evidence Ministries (Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses)

The Ex-Mormon Files (Television Program)

Institute for Religious Research (Mormons in Transition)

Mormon Info - Question Mormonism

The Mormonism Research Ministry

Polygamy: What Love Is This? (Television program hosted by Doris Hanson)

Sacred Groves (online video testimonies & resources)

Utah Lighthouse Ministry

Watchman Fellowship

Witnesses for Jesus (Mormonism)



APOLOGETICS & CULTS (General; Biblical Perspective)

Apologetics Index

Christian Apologetics & Research Committee

Institute for Religious Research

Stand to Reason

Watchman Fellowship



Bible Resources

The Bible Project

Bible Gateway (online searchable Bible)

Bible Hub (online searchable Bible)


LDS LINKS (Official; LDS Perspective)

The LDS Church Website

LDS Scriptures online

LDS Links (Unofficial; LDS Perspective)

The Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (Formerly FARMS) (unofficial)

Foundation for Apologetic Information & Research (FAIR) (unofficial)


Mormonism Resources (Secular / LDS Critical Perspective)

Mormon Stories Podcast (John Dehlin)

MormonThink *Recommended Research Resource*

CES Letter


Ministry Partnerships
(Ministries associated with, affiliated with,
or with close personal ties to Main Street Church)

A Shield and Refuge Ministry*

Pregnancy Care Center of Brigham City

The Ex-Mormon Files* (Television Program)

The Hagar Home* (Safehouse for Exiting Polygamists)

Missionary 911 (Teaching Series for Discussions with LDS Missionaries)

Northern Utah Ministerial Association (NUMA)

Polygamy: What Love Is This?* (Television Program)

Sacred Groves Network*

* = Ministries/Projects of Main Street Church


Main Street Church

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Copyright  2025 by Main Street Church of Brigham City
 48 N. Main St
 Brigham City, UT 84302
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h  435.723.6469