The Ministries of Main Street Church
List of Ministry/Church Life Contacts
If you are a follower of Jesus, you have a ministry.
"Ministry" can happen anywhere, at any time, with anyone, through anyone. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek to be in tune with what He wants to do--in, through, and around us. The list of ministries shown here is not an exhaustive list of the ministry that God is doing in and through us, the believers at Main Street Church. It does represent some of the more "formalized" activities that God has established in our midst, and in which we take great joy in participating! |
Church Ministry |
Main Street Church is a small, thriving community of followers of Jesus who meet regularly to worship together, serve, fellowship, pray for one another, share our joys and burdens with one another...and even enjoy and have fun with one another. Wherever you are on your "journey," you are more than welcome to join us. So if you're a believer, we'd love to have you visit or join us; if you're just exploring, that's okay too...we'd love to share the Jesus who has forever changed our lives with you! Learn more about our church life here. |
Bind Us Together Women's Ministry |
Bind Us Together Women’s Ministries exists for the purpose of drawing women into a deeper unity with one another through a growing knowledge of and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, according to Ephesians 4:3-6 "being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” Our purpose is to magnify the one true and living God of the Bible, and draw women into a life-saving, life-changing relationship with Him. Two major outreach events are planned each year - a Christmas Breakfast in December and a Spring Retreat. Other smaller events happen periodically throughout the year to bring women together. For more information email butwm@mscbc.org or visit the website, bindustogether.org
Men's Ministry |
The Men's group meets on Saturday mornings at Main Street Church for Bible study and sharing. All men are welcome! |
Children & Youth Ministry |
Main Street Church has an active children's ministry, which includes nursery/Sunday School for kids infant through 5th grade (which meets during the teaching portion of the worship service), as well as periodic children and youth activities throughout the year. Karen Holder heads the children & youth ministry & activities at Main Street. We also have a growing youth group of teens! Contact us for more information. |
Media Outreach Ministry |
Even though we are a small congregation, we've had a long history of involvement in multimedia outreach, particularly in the arena of ministry to Latter-day Saints. Several feature-length documentaries have been produced, and are continuing to be produced, by this church, and an ongoing multimedia web outreach is also an active part of our ministry as a church. |
Answers for Mormons |
As a church located in downtown Brigham City, an area with a high concentration of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), some of our outreach efforts are focused on sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with our Mormon neighbors and loved ones. We have compiled a substantial body of information on this website for both Mormons with questions, as well as non-Mormons who want to better understand the culture, doctrine, issues, and challenges facing Mormonism today. |
Misionary 911 |
Main Street Church's latest video project: a video teaching tool to help equip Christians to have meaningful, respectful, and productive conversations with Mormon missionaries! |
Sacred Groves |
Main Street Church's newest Internet-based ministry, Sacred Groves, is a compilation of video testimonies of men and women out of Mormon traditions that have had a genuine encounter with the living Jesus Christ--this is a website we created for seeking, questioning Mormons looking for answers to the challenges, and a reason for hope on the other side of their journey out of Mormonism. |
A Shield and Refuge Ministry |
This ministry began out of this church's desire to support a Christian outreach to Mormon Fundamentalists (polygamists), who are truly an "unreached people group" right here in our own backyard. Led by Doris Hanson, a woman who herself comes from a Fundamentalist background, Shield and Refuge offers both biblical support and counsel to those seeking freedom from polygamy, as well as the physical and material assistance to escape polygamy and establish life "on the outside". |
The Hagar Home |
A new vision in coordination with A Shield and Refuge Ministry--we desire to establish a safehouse to provide for the unique needs of those fleeing polygamy. For more information, please visit the website, www.hagarhome.org |
Polygamy: What Love Is This? |
This television program began as a live, call-in show broadcast each Thursday night on Salt Lake City's KTMW-TV20. Since the sale of TV20 in 2015, the program has moved to Internet broadcasting, including a proprietary Roku-TV channel. As far as we know, it is the only program in existence that deals with the topic of polygamy from a biblical Christian perspective. The host, Doris Hanson, frequently interviews special guests who bring fascinating perspectives to this controversial subject. Our goal is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ with our viewers, and let polygamists know that this lifestyle is not required for salvation! |
The Ex-Mormon Files |
Former LDS bishop Earl Erksine hosts a weekly half-hour internet program in which he interviews people who have left Mormon traditions and have found new life in Jesus Christ. It is available online and on its own Roku-TV channel. |
• Order Books & DVDs at the Main Street Bookstore
• Donate to Main Street Church's outreach efforts
• Links to other ministries and resources |