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Main Street Church
Sacred Groves Network
Polygamy: What Love Is This?
The Ex-Mormon Files
Main Street Church is a non-denominational, bible-based church in Brigham City, Utah, and is the umbrella church for the outreach efforts listed here.
Sacred Groves Network is a gathering of video testimonies of those from Mormon traditions who have encountered new life in the living Jesus Christ.
Polygamy: What Love Is This? is an internet-based talk show that examines Mormon Fundamentalism and polygamy from a biblical perspective.
The Ex-Mormon Files is an internet television program hosted by former LDS bishop Earl Erskine, who interviews former Mormons about their journey to biblical faith in Jesus Christ.
A Shield and Refuge Ministry
The Hagar Home
Missionary 911
Unveiling Grace
A Shield and Refuge Ministry is an outreach to Mormon Fundamentalists and those seeking freedom from polygamy.
The Hagar Home is a project in coordination with A Shield and Refuge Ministry. It is a vision to establish a safe house for those fleeing polygamy.
Missionary 911 is a teaching series designed to equip Christians for productive conversations with Mormon missionaries, in a way that alleviates the stress...and gives confidence!
Unveiling Grace is a documentary film released in 2011, and features the stories of the members of the Adam's Road band, among others, and their journey from Mormonism to biblical Christianity.

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Copyright  2025 by Main Street Church of Brigham City
 48 N. Main St
 Brigham City, UT 84302
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h  435.723.6469